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    Susquehanna Antique Shop News — Roman

    Federal Style Furniture and Architecture

    American Antiques Architecture Federal Furniture Greek Interior Decorating Roman

    Federal Style Furniture and Architecture

    The Federal look is a unique American subset of neoclassicism, which initially emerged and flourished roughly between 1780 and 1820.  More formal than earlier American Colonial design, and less decorative than the concurrent Georgian aesthetics, Federal pieces often include ancient architectural details such as columns, arches and urns, and offer an atmosphere of refined, yet comfortable, luxury.  Though Federal pieces often drew from European influences, it primarily referenced and interpreted the aesthetics of Ancient Greece and Rome – in many ways a political statement emphasizing the allusion to these ancient archetypal democracies, which would have been apparent during the time...

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    Regency Style Art and Architecture

    Antiques Charles Tatham Chinese Export Egyptian English Furniture George IV George Smith Greek Henry Holland Interior Decorating John Nash Regency Roman Thomas Hope Thomas Sheraton

    Regency Style Art and Architecture

    Regency style, decorative arts produced during the regency of George, prince of Wales, and during his entire reign as King George IV of England, ending in 1830.  The major source of inspiration for Regency taste was found in Greek and Roman antiquity, from which designers borrowed both structural and ornamental elements.  The classical revival of Regency style, emphasizing purity of detail and structure, adhered to a stricter archaeological interpretation of antique modes than either the Neoclassicism of the 18th century or the concurrent French Empire style.  An exuberant taste for Egyptian motifs resulted from the Napoleonic expeditions to Egypt in...

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